Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 24, 2022

 It sure was a busy and productive week in Room 118 before April Vacation! I look forward to having our Room 118 family back together again tomorrow for another week of learning fun!

Adding the final touches to our math graphing project display boards! 

Each group did an amazing job of presenting their data and projects to the class! Way to go mathematicians!

Sharing the Traditional Tales we wrote with a writing buddy in Writer's Workshop!

Applying our knowledge of adjectives, verbs and nouns with fun Mad Libs during Morning Meeting!

Thank you to Mrs. Carroll who helped us apply all of our knowledge about landforms through a fun Book Creator project! 

Math and technology came together in five very fun and engaging centers during Math Workshop before vacation! Thank you to our Technology Specialist Mrs. Carroll and our Math Coach Ms. Conway for creating these amazing learning opportunities for us! 

We had a blast presenting some classic Traditional Tales to the class through Reader's Theaters! 

Our March Book Madness, Tang Math March MATHness and GoNoodle March Madness competitions are going strong in Room 118!

⭐ Resources
The games below provide wonderful opportunities for students to practice and extend their math skills! We have played all of these games in class as a part of our Tang Math March MATHness competition!

Monday, April 25th
Return from April Vacation


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Tuesday  (Day 1) Art
Wednesday  (Day 2) PE
Thursday (Day 3) Music
Friday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning (We have Media on Fridays! Don't forget your library books!)

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will continue learning about the two sounds of "ow".

Reader's Workshop πŸ“š
In Reader's Workshop this week we will begin our unit on series book clubs by learning how series book readers collect information about the main character, they pay attention to how characters respond to problems and they notice similarities in their characters across series.
Writer's Workshop πŸ–Š
In Writer's Workshop this week we will continue to write Traditional Tales and Fractured Fairy Tales of our own! 

Math πŸ–©
In math this week we will begin our unit on money!

Science/Social Studies πŸŒŽ
This week in science we will begin our unit on plants! Our first experiment will help us answer the question, "How did a tree travel around the world?"

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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