Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 2024

It was another wonderful week in Room 114 as we celebrated letters N-Q in our ABC Countdown to Summer! 🌞

N is for Neon/Glow Day!

O is for Camp Out in the Classroom!

Who knew trash bag tents would be such a hit?! 😂

We are SO proud of Felipe, who shared his Stuttering Superhero book with all of the first grade classes on Wednesday!!! You rock, Felipe! ❤

Celebrating Quiet Day with our stuffy friends!

We are working SO hard on applying all that we learned in FUNdations this year to our reading and spelling! 


Monday (Day 1) PE
Tuesday (Day 2) Art
Wednesday (Day 3) Music
Thursday (Day 4) Media/STEM
Friday (Day 1) PE

⭐ Important Dates ⭐ 

Thursday, June 6th
First grade field trip!

Tuesday, June 11th
Field Day!

Thursday, June 13th
Last Day of School
Early Release

Thank you so much for all of your support and for everything that you do!


Jill 🍎

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