Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 2, 2022

 Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday and all of my Room 118 friends had a fabulous vacation! We sure were busy the week before the holiday break! Take a look at just what we were up to below!

Practicing trick words in FUNdations with shaving cream! 

To celebrate all that we learned in our nonfiction unit in Reader's Workshop, the children created and shared their very own posters on a topic of their choice! The children grew their knowledge about so many different topics through this unit! Way to go readers! 📚

We continue to learn and practice the partial sums and differences strategies in math to add and subtract two-digit numbers! 

Nonfiction books have been published! Way to go writers! ✏

A HUGE thank you to our Technology Specialist Mrs. Carroll who created four amazing nonfiction text feature technology centers for us to wrap up our learning of nonfiction reading and writing! 

The day before vacation was the perfect time to read the book, "Snowmen at Night" and then conduct an "Exploding Snowman" science experiment! ⛄

Happy Birthday to Jayne, who celebrated her special day on December 16th! 🎈

Happy Birthday to Connor, who celebrated his special day on December 22nd! 🎈

🌟Star Student🌟

Congratulations to Liam who was our Star Student before vacation! We loved learning more about Liam from his All About Me poster and from the pictures that he brought from home! Keep up the awesome work Liam! You are such an important and valued member of our Room 118 family! ❤

⭐ ThWeeAhea

Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday  (Day 1) Art
Tuesday  (Day 2) PE
Wednesday (Day 3) Music
Thursday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Friday  (Day 1) Art *We will have media on Friday! Don't forget to return your library books!

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will continue to learn about the v-e syllable. This stands for vowel-consonant-e. We will also learn that when the consonant s is between two vowels as in the word rose, that s may have the /z/ sound. Lastly, we will learn that words in English do not end with the letter v.

Reader's Workshop 📚
This week we will begin a new unit in Reader's Workshop that will have us amping up our reading power! We will be rehearsing our reading voices, scooping up words into phrases, and noticing dialogue tags.
Writer's Workshop 🖊
This week in Writer's Workshop we will begin our unit on poetry by seeing things with poet's eyes, listening for line breaks and putting powerful thoughts into tiny packages! 

Math 🖩
In math this week we review how to solve two-digit addition and subtraction equations using the partial sums and partial differences strategies. We will also solve two-digit word problems, find length on a number line and use a number line to skip count.

Science/Social Studies 🌎
In Social Studies this week we will continue our unit on the continents and oceans.


January 3rd

School Resumes 

January 14th
 No School
Staff Training

January 17th
No School

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to our continued work together in 2022!


Jill 🍎

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