Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 9, 2022

 I hope that everyone is having a great weekend and all of my Room 118 friends had a fantastic Snow Day on Friday! 2022 is already off to a fabulous start in our classroom! I look forward to another wonderful week ahead! 😃

Happy New Year! 🎉

On Monday we read the book, Squirrel's New Year's Resolution and brainstormed resolutions of our own for our, "Shine Bright in the New Year" bulletin board! Ask your child what resolution they made and what steps they are going to take achieve their goal! 

During our read alouds this week we focused on positive thinking and Growth Mindset! We will continue to read and discuss these important ideas to help our New Year's resolutions come true and to be the best that we can be in 2022! 

This week is writing we began our unit on Poetry! Ask your child what they have written poems about so far to see how they have approached this new genre! 📚

In math we continue to add and subtract two-digit numbers using the Partial Sums and Partial Differences strategies! Keep up the great work mathematicians! 

A big thank you to our Technology Specialist, Mrs. Carroll who created five highly engaging technology centers, which focused on the continents and oceans of the world! We had so much fun participating in these amazing activities on Thursday! Thank you for all that you do Mrs. Carroll! 🌎

Welcome Mrs. Marinelli!
Room 118 warmly welcomed Mrs. Linnea Marinelli to our classroom this week! Mrs. Marinelli is an Educational Support Professional who will be in our classroom daily! We are so thrilled to have Mrs. Marinelli join our Room 118 family!


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday  (Day 1) Art
Tuesday  (Day 2) PE
Wednesday (Day 3) Music
Thursday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Friday  (Day 1) Art *We will have media on Friday! Don't forget to return your library books!

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will finish learning about the v-e syllable. This stands for vowel-consonant-e. We will also learn that when the consonant s is between two vowels as in the word rose, that s may have the /z/ sound. Lastly, we will learn that words in English do not end with the letter v.

Reader's Workshop 📚
We will continue to ramp up our reading power in Reader's Workshop by using meaning to read fluently and reading at a just-right pace. 
Writer's Workshop 🖊
We will continue to learn about poetry in Writer's Workshop by finding poems to write in the strong feelings and concrete details of life and searching for honest, precise words when writing poems of our own. 

Math 🖩
In math this week we will practice skip counting on a number line and will solve word problems with two digit numbers. 

Science/Social Studies 🌎
In Social Studies this week we will continue to learn about the continents and oceans of the world. In science we will begin our unit on water. 

⭐ Resources


Click here to learn all about polar bears.


Click here to test your continent and ocean knowledge!

Click here to label the continents and oceans on a map!


      Click here to try a STEM challenge.


Click here to play the games on the math choice board.


Click here for a winter drawing choice board.



January 14th
 No School
Staff Training

January 17th
No School

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to our continued work together in 2022!


Jill 🍎

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