Friday, January 14, 2022

January 14, 2022

It was another busy week in Room 118 as we continued to build our reading fluency in Reader's Workshop, read and write poems in Writer's Workshop, add and subtract two, two-digit numbers in math and learn more about the continents and oceans in Social Studies! I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful long weekend! Thank you so much for all that you do! 😊

We continue to discuss growth mindset through our daily read alouds! Ask your child what a growth mindset is to see what they are learning! 🧠

In Social Studies this week we discussed the important life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. through a Scholastic News article. 🗞

We continue to read and write poetry in Writer's Workshop! ✏

Happy Birthday to Olivia who celebrated her birthday today! 🎈

🌟Star Student🌟
Congratulations to Emma who was our Star Student before vacation! We loved learning more about Emma from her All About Me poster and from the pictures that she brought from home! Keep up the awesome work Emma! You are such an important and valued member of our Room 118 family! ❤


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Tuesday  (Day 2) PE
Wednesday (Day 3) Music
Thursday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Friday  (Day 1) Art *We will have media on Friday! Don't forget to return your library books!

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will begin unit 8 in our program which will focus on r-controlled vowels. When a vowel is directly followed by the letter r, the r changes the sound of the vowel. For example in the word bark, the vowel a has neither the short nor the long vowel sound. 

Reader's Workshop 📚
We will continue to ramp up our reading power in Reader's Workshop by recognizing literary language in the books that we read and understanding comparisons. 
Writer's Workshop 🖊
We will continue to learn about poetry in Writer's Workshop by searching for honest, precise words, and patterning through repetition. 

Math 🖩
In math this week we will learn how to add three-digit numbers using the Partial Sums strategy. We will also continue to learn and apply math fact strategies to build our addition and subtraction math fact fluency. 

Science/Social Studies 🌎
In Social Studies this week we will wrap up our unit on the continents and oceans. We will also continue to discuss the important life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. 

⭐ Resources


Click here to learn all about polar bears.


Click here to test your continent and ocean knowledge!

Click here to label the continents and oceans on a map!


      Click here to try a STEM challenge.


Click here to play the games on the math choice board.


Click here for a winter drawing choice board.



January 17th
No School

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to our continued work together in 2022!


Jill 🍎

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