Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 27, 2022

 It was another fun and productive week in Room 118! The students continue to work SO hard and I couldn't be more proud of their effort! 😊

In math this week we worked with partners to play Rock, Paper, Scissors and then graph the data we collected! ✀

Our Scholastic News article this week highlighted Melody Day who helped her school create a playground that is accessible to everyone! After reading the article students wrote reasons why playgrounds should be accessible places where everyone can play and also designed two fun activities that would be accessible to all children. Be on the lookout for this Scholastic News article and activities coming home with your child this week! 

Don't forget to return Media books by Friday! πŸ“š

We continue to explore Traditional Tales in Reader's Workshop, Writer's Workshop and our daily read alouds! 

Thank you to Mrs. Feeney, Mrs. Hollister and Mr. Royal for presenting another fantastic Docent lesson on Tuesday! We learned so much about Winslow Homer! 🎨

On Monday we "rocked our socks" to support Down Syndrome awareness! 

We kicked off a few March Madness themed projects last week including a GoNoodle Banana Banana bracket and a March Book Madness competition! Ask your child about what GoNoodle videos we have done and what books we have read so far in our competitions! πŸ€

🌟Star Student🌟
Congratulations to James who was our Star Student last week! We loved learning more about James from his All About Me poster and from the pictures that he brought from home! Keep up the awesome work James! You are such an important and valued member of our Room 118 family! ❤


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 2) PE
Tuesday  (Day 3) Music
Wednesday  (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Thursday (Day 1) Art
Friday  (Day 2) PE *We will have Media on Friday! Don't forget your library books! 

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will continue learning about the different ways you can spell the long o sound as presented in our 13th unit of study! 

Reader's Workshop πŸ“š
In Reader's Workshop this week we will discuss how characters can be complicated. We will also notice new character types, themes and lessons that we can learn through Traditional Tales. 
Writer's Workshop πŸ–Š
In Writer's Workshop this week we will continue to write Traditional Tales and Fractured Fairy Tales of our own! 

Math πŸ–©
In math this week we will work together to complete a collaborative graphing project! We will also reviewing telling time concepts. 

Science/Social Studies πŸŒŽ
This week in science we will continue to learn about land forms and will discuss how humans can adapt or change the environment. 

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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