Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 2, 2022

 The fun never ends in Room 118! Thank you for taking a peek at our busy week!

Our March Book Madness competition is going strong! πŸ€

We continue to write Traditional Tales of our own in Writer's Workshop! The students LOVE sharing their hard work with the class! ✏

We continue to develop our problem solving skills in math using the ST Math program! πŸ’»

We had a blast reviewing all that we have learned about landforms with technology centers created by our amazing Technology Specialist, Mrs. Carroll! 

This week in math we started a graphing project! Students worked in groups to determine a topic and then polled the class to collect data! Ask your child what topic they are focusing on for this very special project!

It was so wonderful to celebrate all of the hard work and effort happening everyday in Room 118 with a PJ/Movie Day on Thursday! Keep up the amazing work Room 118! 


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 3) Music
Tuesday  (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Wednesday  (Day 1) Art
Thursday (Day 2) PE
Friday  (Day 3) Music *We will have Media on Friday! Don't forget your library books! 

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will continue learning about the different ways you can spell the long o sound as presented in our 13th unit of study! 

Reader's Workshop πŸ“š
In Reader's Workshop this week we will discuss how we can learn lessons from authors. We will also focus on character traits. 
Writer's Workshop πŸ–Š
In Writer's Workshop this week we will continue to write Traditional Tales and Fractured Fairy Tales of our own! 

Math πŸ–©
In math this week we will continue to work together to complete a collaborative graphing project! We will also begin our unit on telling time.

Science/Social Studies πŸŒŽ
This week in science we will continue to learn about land forms and will discuss how humans can adapt or change the environment. 

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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