Sunday, June 5, 2022

June 5, 2022

 The countdown to summer is officially on! I cannot wait to spend the next 10 school days together, making amazing memories and having so much fun! ❤

Room 118 continues to put the fun in FUNdations!

This week in SEL, the children wrote a letter to their (Mystery) 3rd grade teacher! Ask your child what they wrote about in their letter to see what they shared with their new teacher! πŸ“¨

This week we finally had our March (now known in Room 118 as June) Book Madness playoff game! The children voted for their favorite book and a winner was chosen! Ask your child what book won our 2022 Book of the Year title! πŸ†

Our June Book Madness playoff game was the hottest ticket in town! 🎟

Greeting each other with a "Basketball Shot" greeting in Morning Meeting! πŸ€

On Friday, Mrs. Moses brought Media to Room 118! During our lesson we brainstormed how we can keep reading over the summer to maintain all of the amazing reading progress we have made this year! Ask your child about the ideas that we came up with! 

Friday was the final library book checkout opportunity for this year! Students are asked to start bringing back all library books and Boyden Book Room titles back to school ASAP! πŸ“š


June 14th
Field Day

June 15th
Field Day (Rain Date)

June 17th
Last Day of School (11:55 AM Dismissal)


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday  (Day 1) Art
Tuesday  (Day 2) PE
Wednesday (Day 3) Music
Thursday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning 
Friday Art (We have Media on Fridays! Don't forget your library books!)

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will review the trick words and spelling rules that we have learned this year in our FUNdations phonics program!

Reader's Workshop πŸ“š
In Reader's Workshop this week we will continue to learn about how authors think about how whole stories and how whole series will go. We will also discuss how authors bring stories to life and how they plan their story endings. Finally we will talk about how when readers love a series they can't keep it to themselves and we will share our favorite series with others!
Writer's Workshop πŸ–Š
In Writer's Workshop this week we will continue to write nominations for our favorite books! 

Math πŸ–©
In math this week we will continue to learn about arrays, which will help to prepare us for the multiplication concepts that the students will learn in 3rd grade!

Science/Social Studies πŸŒŽ
This week in science we will begin our unit on the properties of matter! Our lesson and experiment this week will focus around the question, "Why do we wear clothes?" In Social Studies we will learn about the may customs and traditions of various countries throughout the world through our "Travel the World" theme day!

 Summer Resources 

Summer Slide Statistics and Prevention

Summer-Themed Problem of the Day Math Calendar

No Prep Science Activities!

Keep Those Math Skills Sharp!
ST Math (available to students through the Boyden homepage)

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

You help to make Room 118 the very special place that it is!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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