Sunday, May 29, 2022

May 29, 2022

 It sure was a busy and fun week in Room 118! We congratulated the graduating seniors from Walpole High School on Monday, had an amazing Docent presentation and visit from Ms. Almeida on Wednesday and had a blast checking out books during a very special Media visit from Mrs. Moses on Friday! I can't wait to see what the week ahead will hold! 

The countdown is officially on! Only 14 days left of our second grade journey together!

Congratulations WHS graduating seniors! 

We continue to have so much fun in FUNdations!

We continue to learn about plants in science! 

Thank you so much to Mrs. Feeney, Mrs. Hollister and Mr. Royal for another fabulous Docent presentation! We learned so much about the different types of sculptures and LOVED making our very own piece of art! 

The class was SO excited to have a surprise visit from Ms. Almeida on Wednesday!

When the media center is closed, our amazing Media Specialist Mrs. Moses comes to you! What a fabulous way to spend a Friday afternoon! 


May 30th
No School
Memorial Day

June 14th
Field Day

June 15th
Field Day (Rain Date)

June 17th
Last Day of School (11:55 AM Dismissal)


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Tuesday  (Day 1) Art
Wednesday  (Day 2) PE
Thursday (Day 3) Music
Friday (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning (We have Media on Fridays! Don't forget your library books!)

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will finish the 17th and final unit in our FUNdations program! In this unit we will learn about the consonant-le syllable (like in the words bubble or bicycle).

Reader's Workshop πŸ“š
In Reader's Workshop this week we will be learning about how authors think about how whole stories and how whole series will go. We will also discuss how authors bring stories to life and how they plan their story endings. Finally we will talk about how when readers love a series they can't keep it to themselves! 
Writer's Workshop πŸ–Š
In Writer's Workshop this week we will begin to write nominations for our favorite books! 

Math πŸ–©
In math this week we will begin to learn about arrays! We will also continue to learn about fractions!

Science/Social Studies πŸŒŽ
This week in science we will begin our unit on the properties of matter! Our lesson and experiment this week will focus around the question, "Why do we wear clothes?"

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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