Sunday, October 2, 2022

October 2, 2022

It's hard to believe that it is October already! Time sure is flying! The children have done a fabulous job over the last month settling into first grade procedures and expectations! I couldn't be more proud of the effort and enthusiasm that they put forth each day! I look forward to another wonderful week of learning fun in Room 114! 🙂

Thank you to Jonathan, Olivia and Madison for bringing in some wonderful books for our read alouds this week! 📚

Happy Birthday to Saoirse, who celebrated her special day last week! 🎈

Happy Birthday to Lainey, who celebrated her birthday last week! 🎈

In Writer's Workshop last week we started working with a writing partner! Ask your child how they helped their partner and how their partner helped them while writing! #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

Last week was the perfect time to go outside and observe how the trees are starting to change! We will observe changes in nature all year as a part of our science curriculum! 🍂

We had so much fun on Friday writing about our favorite fall activities and making a fun fall craft! 

⭐ Resources

Click the picture below to access a Pete the Cat virtual library!

Click the picture below to access a virtual library about pumpkins!

ThWeeAhead ⭐ 

Our Specials this Week
Please see our schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 2) Art
Tuesday (Day 3) Music
Wednesday (Day 4) Media/STEM (Library books will be due next week!)
Thursday (Day 1) PE *Don't forget your sneakers!*
Friday (Day 2) Art

This week in FUNdations we will begin Unit 2, which will focus on the phonemic awareness skill of sound manipulation. In this unit we will also practice blending, segmenting, reading and spelling three-sound short vowel words.

Reader's Workshop 📚
This week in Reader's Workshop we will talk about how readers look at all parts of a word when reading and use meaning to figure out unknown words.

Writer's Workshop 🖊
Our first unit in Writer's Workshop is Personal Narratives, which we also refer to as “Small Moment Stories”.  These are stories your child will write about his/her own life, zooming in on a small moment in time.  By focusing on a small moment in time, writers can add details to make that moment come to life with words.  For example:

Big Topic: Riding my bike            Small Moment: 1st time I rode without training wheels

Big Topic: My dogs            Small Moment: The time when my dogs escaped through the

                                                       fence gate

Big Topic: Summer             Small Moment: Collecting seashells at the beach with Grandma

Did you share any special times over the summer?  Does your family have any special traditions?  Has your family visited a special place or taken a trip?  These memories are the seeds your child can use to “grow” a story.

I kindly ask you to spend a few minutes talking with your child about the people,, places, things, and experiences that are important to them.  Encourage your child to zoom in on a small moment in time. Your child can use these ideas throughout our Personal Narrative unit!

This week in Writer's Workshop we will unfreeze the characters in our stories, write about what our characters are thinking and feeling and will use drama to bring our stories to life.
Math 🖩
This week we will continue to work through unit 1 in our math program. In this unit your child will: ❚ Quickly recognize how many objects are in a collection (up to 10), without counting from 1 ❚ Identify 1 more and 1 less than a given number ❚ Explore number combinations that add up to 5 and 10 ❚ Count by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s ❚ Make and read simple graphs using pictures and tally marks
Your child will practice these skills by solving problems like those shown below.

Important Dates ⭐ 

October 7th
Early Release
12:25 Dismissal

October 21st
Picture Day

October 26th
In-person Parent/Teacher Conferences
6 PM - 8 PM

October 28th
Early Release
12:25 Dismissal

In-person or virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences
1:15 PM - 3:15 PM

November 3rd
Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences
6 PM - 8 PM

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍂

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