Saturday, September 24, 2022

September 24, 2022

It was another busy and fun week in Room 114! We continued to review letter sounds in FUNdations, grew our reading stamina in Reader's Workshop, learned a new game in math and added to our small moment stories in Writer's Workshop! Keep up the amazing work Room 114! You are rocking first grade! ❤

Some of our read alouds this week featured small moment stories! Reading these stories is a great way for us to see some really cool craft moves from mentor authors! We are so excited to try these craft moves in our own writing! ✏

On Wednesday we had our first SEL lesson of the year with Mrs. Tilton! During our 30 minute session with her, we learned more about what she does as a school counselor and how she can help and support us! We are so excited to have lessons with Mrs. Tilton every other week this year! 

Thank you Hannah for bringing the book, "Change Sings" in for a read aloud! What an important message this book taught us!

On Wednesday we used our Chromebooks for the first time to play ST Math! The children did an AMAZING job! We are so excited to use technology to enhance and extend our learning this year! 💻

On Thursday we had a special assembly with Mosca Martial Arts! If your child is interested in taking karate classes after school at Boyden, please see the orange flyer that was sent home with you child on Friday! 

In Room 114 we put the fun in FUNdations! This week we reviewed letter sounds and letter formations! After we showed our best effort, we were able to take turns playing the very exciting game, "Pop the Pig"! 🐖

Thank you to Ruby who brought in the book, "Not Quite NARWHAL" for read aloud this week! What an important message this book reminded us of! 

Every afternoon in Room 114 we end our day together by having a Closing Meeting. During this time we are able to share successes of the day and areas that we want to continue to work on. This week we reflected during Closing Meeting by sharing our thoughts to the questions, "What is something I did today that made me proud?" and "What is something that I will do tomorrow to help our class have a great day?" Looking to start a conversation with your child about school? These are two great questions you can always ask them! 

Thank you Saoirse for bringing in the book, "ABC" for read aloud this week! We LOVED the fun, playful language that this book explored! 

We continued to talk about being true to ourselves and celebrating our unique qualities this week! #celebratewhatmakesyouunique #BeYou ❤

On Friday we participated in learning centers! Watch the video below to learn more and to see our centers in action!


Our Specials this Week
Please see our schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 1) PE *Don't forget your sneakers!
Tuesday (Day 2) Art
Wednesday (Day 3) Music
Thursday (Day 4) Media/STEM
Friday (Day 1) PE *Don't forget your sneakers!

This week we will continue to explore the concepts presented in Unit 1. In Unit 1 we will be setting the stage for all of the future units. We will be reviewing and teaching the letter names, keywords, sounds and lowercase letter formations of the letters a-z.

Reader's Workshop 📚
This week in Reader's Workshop we will talk about how readers track with their eyes and scoop up words as they read, when readers reread, they see more, and readers sometimes sneak peek at the pictures to figure out the words.

Writer's Workshop 🖊
Our first unit in Writer's Workshop is Personal Narratives, which we also refer to as “Small Moment Stories”.  These are stories your child will write about his/her own life, zooming in on a small moment in time.  By focusing on a small moment in time, writers can add details to make that moment come to life with words.  For example:

Big Topic: Riding my bike            Small Moment: 1st time I rode without training wheels

Big Topic: My dogs            Small Moment: The time when my dogs escaped through the

                                                       fence gate

Big Topic: Summer             Small Moment: Collecting seashells at the beach with Grandma

Did you share any special times over the summer?  Does your family have any special traditions?  Has your family visited a special place or taken a trip?  These memories are the seeds your child can use to “grow” a story.

I kindly ask you to spend a few minutes talking with your child about the people,, places, things, and experiences that are important to them.  Encourage your child to zoom in on a small moment in time. Your child can use these ideas throughout our Personal Narrative unit!

This week in Writer's Workshop we will zoom in, focusing on small moments, work with partners to tell our stories and read our writing like we read our books.

Math 🖩
In math this week we will play a new game called, "Ten and More"! We will also continue to work on our number formation, will solve addition story problems with sums to 20 and solve for the unknown in an addition equation involving 3 whole numbers.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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