Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 17, 2022

 What a fantastic first full week of school we had! It's hard to believe that Monday is our 12th day of school together! Time really does fly when you are having fun! 😃🎉

In math this week we practiced matching double ten-frame pictures to the related equations! Show your child the picture below. Can they tell you an equation (number sentence) for the picture in the middle? (The answer is 10 + 5 = 15)!

Playing a fun game in math to practice showing tally marks! 

This week in Reader's Workshop we learned that readers take a sneak peek of the books they are going to read and they stretch out any words that they might not know!

We are LOVING the busy bins in our classroom! We use busy bins every morning when we arrive at school! They are such a great way to start the day on a fun, positive note! Ask your child what busy bin activity they enjoy using! 

Some of our read alouds this week focused on small moment stories to help give us ideas for our writing in Writer's Workshop! 

This week we added geoboards to our collection of ever-growing math tools! 

Making our own Number Racks in math! 

It was so much fun celebrating Zachary's birthday in school on Thursday! Happy Birthday, Zachary! 🎈

This week we read the book, "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" and talked a lot about how our actions have consequences. You can see an awesome craftivity we completed based on this book in our classroom on Open House Night! I will also be talking about the behavior management strategies we use in our classroom then! 

We LOVE sharing all of our hard work at the end of every Writer's Workshop! 

One of the books we read this week was called, "In Our Classroom". This book helps empower students by teaching them to think about what is just right for them, celebrate their differences, and embrace one another to build an inclusive classroom community. ❤

On Thursday we got book bags of our very own filled with books that are a just right fit for us! Ask your child about the books in their book bags! 

Thank you SO much for signing and returning the behavior contracts that were sent home last week! 

On Friday we read the book, "My Mouth is a Volcano"! We then attempted to make and erupt a volcano of our own to really bring the comparison made in the book to life! 🌋

Find a Friend Scavenger Hunt!


Our Specials this Week
Please see our schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 4) Media/STEM
Tuesday (Day 1) PE *Don't forget your sneakers!*
Wednesday (Day 2) Art
Thursday (Day 3) Music
Friday (Day 4) Media/STEM

FUNdations is the phonics program we teach daily in our classroom. This week we will continue to explore the concepts presented in Unit 1. In Unit 1 we will be setting the stage for all of the future units. We will be reviewing and teaching the letter names, keywords, sounds and lowercase letter formations of the letters a-z.

Reader's Workshop 📚
This week in Reader's Workshop we will talk about how readers get stronger by reading more and more! We will also learn that readers set goals to read all day long!

Writer's Workshop 🖊
Our first unit in Writer's Workshop is Personal Narratives, which we also refer to as “Small Moment Stories”.  These are stories your child will write about his/her own life, zooming in on a small moment in time.  By focusing on a small moment in time, writers can add details to make that moment come to life with words.  For example:

Big Topic: Riding my bike            Small Moment: 1st time I rode without training wheels

Big Topic: My dogs            Small Moment: The time when my dogs escaped through the

                                                       fence gate

Big Topic: Summer             Small Moment: Collecting seashells at the beach with Grandma

Did you share any special times over the summer?  Does your family have any special traditions?  Has your family visited a special place or taken a trip?  These memories are the seeds your child can use to “grow” a story.

I kindly ask you to spend a few minutes talking with your child about the people,, places, things, and experiences that are important to them.  Encourage your child to zoom in on a small moment in time. Your child can use these ideas throughout our Personal Narrative unit!

This week in Writer's Workshop we will stretch words to spell them: hearing and recording all sounds. We will also zoom in to really focus on small moments!

Math 🖩
In math this week we will play a new game called, "Ten Flash". This activity will help us learn the combinations of 10. We will also learn a new workplace activity called, "Flip and Write"!

Important Dates:

Friday, September 23rd

Early Release Day 12:25 Dismissal

No lunches served

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I look forward to meeting you in person on Tuesday night at Open House if you are able to attend!


Jill 🍎

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