Sunday, May 15, 2022

May 15, 2022

 Practicing our money skills by playing fun games in Math Workshop! 

We love our Wednesday math warm ups with Math Coach Miss Conway! 


Our Specials this Week
Please see our specials schedule below for the upcoming week!

Monday (Day 3) Music
Tuesday  (Day 4) Social Emotional Learning
Wednesday  (Day 1) Art
Thursday (Day 2) PE
Friday (Day 3) Music (We have Media on Fridays! Don't forget your library books!)

FUNdations ✏
This week in FUNdations we will start unit 16 in our FUNdations program, which focuses on the sounds of au and aw. 

Reader's Workshop 📚
In Reader's Workshop this week we will be learning about how authors think about how whole stories and how whole series will go. We will also discuss how authors bring stories to life and how they plan their story endings. 
Writer's Workshop 🖊
In Writer's Workshop this week we will continue to write letters about our favorite books. We will talk about how writers write about more than one part of a book. We will also discuss reading closely to generate more writing and how important it is to gather evidence to support each of our opinions. 

Math 🖩
In math this week we will begin our unit on geometry! We will learn about flat surfaces, vertices and edges, relate plane shapes to solid figures, discuss polygons and angles and make new shapes using other shapes. 

Science/Social Studies 🌎
This week in science we will answer the question, "Could a plant survive without light?" We will also begin to explore why trees grow so tall. 

Thank you so much for all of your

support and for everything that you do!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Jill 🍎

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